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 Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong

Aşağa gitmek 

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:36 pm

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong
Drama: Prince of the Legend
Revised romanization: Jumong
Hangul: 주몽
Director: Lee Joo-Hwan, Keun-hong Kim
Writer: Wan-kyu Choi, Jung Hyung-Soo
Network: MBC
Episodes: 81
Release Date: May 15, 2006 - March 6, 2007
Runtime: Mon. & Tues. 21:55
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Meet a hero bigger than the myth.Alexander, Genghis Khan, we have the hero who overwhelmed his generation and changed history, Jumong! Up to now we have been used to dramas dealing with the history of kings and knights but now we are about to challenge in creating a drama with the birth of a true hero. A name only remembered as a myth. Get ready to meet Jumong, the hero who opened up the skies of the Old Joseon, which was once ours, by fighting thousands and thousands of armies.Meet the love even bigger than the history.‘Love’ seems to be the one common denominator across people of all generations and nations. ‘Love’ gets swept away with the waves of time and also gets hurt with biased views in societies, but it also creates a new kind of history by wrestling against adversity and the trials of time. True love, which is uncommonly seen in history, is re-drawn through the drama of our once forgotten history.Through the wisdom and courage of Korea’s first queen So Seo-no... -- MBC
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:38 pm

Efsanenin Prensi/ep. 1-20 Konu Özeti
EPS. 1
MÖ 180'de, 2100 yıl boyunca altın çağını yaşayan Gochosun Krallığı, Han İmparatorluğu ile bir yıl süren savaş sonucunda nihayet düşer. Han Hanedanlığı İmparatoru, daha önce Gochosun'a ait olan bölgeyi dört farklı idari bölgeye (Nak Rang, Jin Beon, Im Doon ve Hyeon To) böler ve ordusunu konuşlandırır. Gochosun halkı, Han Hanedanlığına şiddetle karşı çıkıyor. Hae Mo Soo, direnişin merkezi figürüdür. Bu Yeo kralı Hae Bu Roo, Gochosun halkının Hae Mo Soo'nun yardımıyla Bu Yeo'ya yerleşmesinden çok memnun. Ancak Bu Deuk Bool, Gochosun halkını korumanın İmparator'un öfkesini davet edebileceğini söylediğinde derinden endişelenir. Bu sırada Bu Yeo'nun kahini Yeo Mi Eul, Güneş'te üç ayaklı bir karganın belirdiğini görür. İki bacağın Hae Bu Roo ve Geum Wa'yı temsil ettiğini biliyor ama diğer kişinin kim olduğundan emin değil. Hyeon To'nun genel valisi, tüm kabile reislerini bir toplantıya çağırır. Geum Wa, babasının yerine toplantıya gider. Orada Yu Hwa ile tanışır. Genel vali, Hae Mo Soo'yu barındıran kişinin ciddi şekilde cezalandırılacağı konusunda uyardı. Kabile reislerinin önünde masum Gochosun mültecilerini öldürür. Geum Wa öfkelenir, ancak gelecekte sorun yaşama korkusuyla hiçbir şey yapamaz. Aniden Yu Hwa içeri girer ve genel valiye durması için seslenir. Genel vali, Hae Mo Soo'yu barındıran kişinin ciddi şekilde cezalandırılacağı konusunda uyardı. Kabile reislerinin önünde masum Gochosun mültecilerini öldürür. Geum Wa öfkelenir, ancak gelecekte sorun yaşama korkusuyla hiçbir şey yapamaz. Aniden Yu Hwa içeri girer ve genel valiye durması için seslenir. Genel vali, Hae Mo Soo'yu barındıran kişinin ciddi şekilde cezalandırılacağı konusunda uyardı. Kabile reislerinin önünde masum Gochosun mültecilerini öldürür. Geum Wa öfkelenir, ancak gelecekte sorun yaşama korkusuyla hiçbir şey yapamaz. Aniden Yu Hwa içeri girer ve genel valiye durması için seslenir.

EPS. 2
Hae Mo Soo'ya yataklık etmekle suçlanan Yu Hwa'nın kabilesindeki herkes onun dışında öldürülür. Ancak Hae Mo Soo gizlice kaçmayı başarır. Yeon Ta Bal ve grubuyla tanışır. Tüm kabilenin onun yüzünden öldürüldüğünü duyunca şok oldu. Yeon Ta Bal Yakında haberler karşısında çok şok olmuş görünen adamın Hae Mo Soo olduğunu fark eder. Onu teslim etmek için Hae Mo Soo'yu yardımcısı olarak tutar. Daha sonra birisi Yeon Ta Bal ve grubuna saldırır, ancak Hae Mo Soo onların tehlikeden kaçmasına yardım eder. O gece Geum Wa, Yu Hwa'yı kurtarır ve onunla kaçar. Ona Hae Mo Soo'nun hala hayatta olduğunu söyler. Bu sırada Yeon Ta Bal'ın karısı bir kız çocuğu dünyaya getirir. Yeon Ta Bal, kızına So Seo No adını verir. Kızını dünyadaki herhangi bir erkekten daha güçlü ve bilge yetiştireceğine söz verir.

EPS. 3
Geum-wa, Bu Deuk Bool'dan babasının Hae Mo Soo'yu tuzağa düşürdüğünü duyar. O harap oldu. Hae Mo Soo'nun kaçmasına yardım etmeyi planlıyor. Hae Mo Soo, Geum-wa ve askerlerinin yardımıyla kaçmayı başarır. Ancak bir okla vurulur ve bir uçurumdan düşer. Yoo Hwa bir erkek çocuk doğurur. Çocuğa 'Ju Mong' adını verir. Bu Yeo'yu bebeğiyle birlikte terk etmeye çalışır. Ancak Geum-wa, kalması ve Bu Yeo'da Ju Mong'u büyütmesi konusunda ısrar eder. Geum-wa, babası Hae Mo Soo olan bebeği korumak için onu kendi oğlu gibi büyütmeye karar verir. Bu sırada Yeo Mi Eul, Güneş'teki üç ayaklı karganın uçup gittiğine dair bir vizyon görür. Bunun uğursuz bir işaret olduğuna inanıyor. Bu Deuk Bool'a kehaneti anlatır. Aniden Yoo Hwa'nın bebeğinin Hae Mo Soo'nun oğlu olabileceğini fark eder. Jeok Chi'ye bebeği öldürmesini emreder. Yoo Hwa tehlikenin farkına varır ve bebekle birlikte kaçar. Kısa süre sonra Han askerleri tarafından yakalanır. Jeok Chi ortaya çıkar ve Han askerlerinden kurtulur. Ancak Yoo Hwa'ya, Hae Mo Soo'nun ölmesini isteyenin Bu Yeo'nun kralı Hae Bu Roo olduğunu söyler. Tepesinde kaldırdığı bir kılıçla Yoo Hwa ve Ju Mong'u öldürmek üzere. Yirmi yıl sonra... Kral Geum-wa'nın aralıksız fethi, Bu Yeo'nun topraklarını neredeyse ikiye katlıyor.
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:39 pm

EPS. 4
Kral Geum-wa, Ju Mong'un Young Go Je'ye (insanların hasadı kutlayıp Tanrı'ya şükrettikleri bir ayin) katılmadığını fark eder. Ju Mong'un Bu Young'u taciz ettiği için bir ahıra kapatıldığını öğrenir. Ju Mong konusunda çok hayal kırıklığına uğradı. Ju Mong'un yirmi kırbaçlanmasını emreder. Ancak Dae So, ertesi gün Ju Mong ile Dae Mool Hwal'ı (Bu Yeo'nun kurucusunun her zaman yanında taşıdığı efsanevi bir yay) aramaya gitmesi gerektiğini söyleyerek kraldan cezayı azaltmasını ister. Geum-wa, Dae Soh'un isteğini yerine getirir. Ju Mong, uygunsuz bir şey yapmayacağına dair kendi kendine söz verir. Ayrıca annesini asla hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağına söz verir. Dae Soh, Young Po ve Ju Mong, Dae Mool Hwal'ı aramak için saraydan ayrılır. Ju Mong liderliği alır. Ju Mong, sisli dağ yollarından geçerken arkadaşlarından ayrı düşer ve kaybolur. Arkadaşlarını aramaya çalışır ama bir bataklığa saplanır. Seo No ve grubu oradan geçer ve Ju Mong'a yardım eder. Ju Mong, grubun liderinin bir kadın olmasına şaşırır. Onun liderliğinden ve güzelliğinden çok etkilendi. Bu sırada Dae Soh ve Young Po, Kurucu Dağı'na varır. Haritada Dae Mool Hwal'ın yerini gösteren eski bir şiir bulurlar. Ancak şiirin anlamını çözemezler. Hava karardıktan sonra anlamı anlamayı başarırlar ve Dae Mool Hwal'ın bulunduğu mağaraya koşarlar. Haritada Dae Mool Hwal'ın yerini gösteren eski bir şiir bulurlar. Ancak şiirin anlamını çözemezler. Hava karardıktan sonra anlamı anlamayı başarırlar ve Dae Mool Hwal'ın bulunduğu mağaraya koşarlar. Haritada Dae Mool Hwal'ın yerini gösteren eski bir şiir bulurlar. Ancak şiirin anlamını çözemezler. Hava karardıktan sonra anlamı anlamayı başarırlar ve Dae Mool Hwal'ın bulunduğu mağaraya koşarlar.

EPS. 5
Dae Soh, Ju Mong'u canlı görünce şaşırır. Young Po'ya Ju Mong'un her hareketine göz kulak olmasını emreder. Yoo Hwa, Ju Mong'a Bu Yeo'nun kralı olması ve çok önemli bir görevi yerine getirmesi gerektiğini söyler. Dövüş sanatları ustası Moo Song'u Ju Mong ile tanıştırır. Ju Mong'un bebek gibi yumuşak ellerini gören Moo Song, Ju Mong'a dağlara inip çıkmasını söyler. Ju Mong sabırsızlanır ve sinirlenir çünkü Moo Song ona gerçek dövüş sanatlarını öğretmek yerine onu sadece dağlara tırmanmaya zorlar. Bir gün efendisiyle yüzleştiğinde, Moo Song onu karanlık bir mağaranın içindeki bir hapishane hücresine götürür. Ju Mong sonunda dövüş sanatlarının temel hareketlerini öğrenmeye başlar. Becerileri her geçen gün gelişiyor. Kral Geum-wa, demirden başarılı bir şekilde yeni bir silah yaptıklarını duyar. Haberlerden heyecan duyan Bo Deuk Bool ve kral, yeni silahı görmeye gider. Yeni silahı test etmek üzereyken Dae Soh gönüllü olur. Ju Mong'la yeni kılıçlarla savaşmasını öneriyor. İlk başta tereddüt eden Ju Mong, onunla savaşmayı kabul eder. Bu sırada So Seo No ve bir grup tüccar, Ok Jeo'dan Jol Bon'a geri döner. Yeon Ta Bal, kızının başarılı anlaşmasından dolayı çok mutludur. So Seo No, Gye Pil ve Woo Tae'ye Boo Yeo'nun gizli demir silah üretim yöntemini elde etmek için her türlü çabayı göstereceğini söyler. Jol Bon'un diğer çevre ülkeler arasında hayatta kalmasının tek yolunun bu olacağını vurguluyor. So Seo No, Gye Pil ve Woo Tae'ye Boo Yeo'nun gizli demir silah üretim yöntemini elde etmek için her türlü çabayı göstereceğini söyler. Jol Bon'un diğer çevre ülkeler arasında hayatta kalmasının tek yolunun bu olacağını vurguluyor. So Seo No, Gye Pil ve Woo Tae'ye Boo Yeo'nun gizli demir silah üretim yöntemini elde etmek için her türlü çabayı göstereceğini söyler. Jol Bon'un diğer çevre ülkeler arasında hayatta kalmasının tek yolunun bu olacağını vurguluyor.

EPS. 6
Bu Deuk Bool, Hae Mo Soo'nun hala hayatta olduğunu duyar. Yeo Mi Eul ve o, bir hapishanede kilitli olan Hae Moo Soo'yu görmeye gider. Moo Song onları hapishaneye getirdiğinde Ju Mong saklanır ve konuşmalarına kulak misafiri olur. Hae Mo Soo'nun hayatta olduğunu onaylayan Bu Deuk Bool, Moo Song'dan onun geldiğini kimseye söylememesini ister. Dae Soh, Ju Mong'un her gece gizlice saraydan ayrıldığını öğrenir. Ju Mong'u eğitim alanına götürür ve ona bir kılıç verir. Ju Mong'a nasıl iyi bir kılıç ustası olunacağını öğretmek için gönüllü olur. Ju Mong şaşırır ama Dae Soh'un teklifini kabul eder. Ju Mong, gecenin bir yarısı silah üretim sahasında Mo Pal Mo'yu ziyaret eder. Ju Mong, Mo Pal Mo'dan kendisine Dae Soh'unki kadar güçlü bir kılıç yapmasını ister. Mo Pal Mo ne yapacağını bilmiyor çünkü bunun için kralın iznine ihtiyacı olduğunu biliyor. Bu sırada, Çelik silahlara sahip olan Xianbei (Modern Mançurya ve Doğu Moğolistan'da ikamet eden göçebe insanlar), Hyeon To'yu işgal etmeye devam ediyor. Kral Geum-wa, Hyeon To'nun yeni atanan genel valisinin Bu Yeo'yu ziyaret edeceğini duyar. Bu ziyaretten rahatsız olur ve bütün devlet büyüklerini çağırır.

EPS. 7
Hyeon To'nun yeni genel valisi Yang Jeong, Kral Geum Wa'ya bir mektup gönderir. Mektupta, krala Bu Yeo'nun silah üretim tesisini kapalı kaldığından emin olmak için düzenli olarak kontrol edeceğini bildirir. Yang Jeong'un küstahlığı tarafından aşağılanan Kral Geum Wa, mektubun yakılmasını emreder. Beol Gae, kraliyet otoritesini güçlendirmek için kralın Prens Kraliyet'i bir an önce tahta ilan etmesini önerir. Ancak Kral Geum Wa ona bunun henüz doğru zaman olmadığını söyler. Aynı konuyu bir daha açmamayı emreder. Won Hoo, kralın Ju Mong'un tahta geçmesini ertelediğini duyar. Ju Mong'un kral olmaya uygun olmadığı için Kral Geum Wa'nın tereddüt ettiğine inanıyor. Young Po, Ju Mong'dan kurtulmaya karar verir. Bir suikastçı gönderir. Ju Mong, sokakta suikastçı tarafından bıçaklanır. Ma Ri, Hyeop Bo ve O Yi, yaralı ve bilinçsiz Ju Mong'u bulur. Onu Bu Young'a götürürler. Bu sırada Yeon Ta Bal, tuz pazarının kontrolünü ele geçirmek için kaçakçı Do Chi'ye baskın düzenlemeyi planlamaktadır. Ancak So Seo No, Do Chi'ye sürpriz bir saldırı yaparken Do Chi tarafından kaçırılır.

EPS. 8
Ju Mong, So Seo No'nun Do Chi tarafından yakalandığını öğrenir. So Seo No'nun kaçmasına yardım eder. İlk başta So Seo No, Ju Mong'a güvenmedi ama çok geçmeden Ju Mong'un kendisine yardım etmeye çalıştığını anladı. Yeon Ta Bal ve askerleri de So Seo No'yu kurtarmaya gelir. O Yi, Ma Ri ve Hyeo Bo, Ju Mong'un So Seo No'yu serbest bıraktığını öğrenir. Onu öldürmeye çalışırlar. Ju Mong'un hayatını kurtarmak için Bu Young, herkese Ju Mong'un Bu Yeo Prensi olduğunu söylemeden edemez. King Geum Wa, Dae So ve Young Po'ya silah üretim tesisine erişim izni verir. Onlara demir silah üretiminin gizli yöntemini bulmalarını emreder. Ju Mong saklanacak bir yer ararken mağaranın içindeki hapishaneyi hatırlar. Ju Mong'u arayan Leydi Yoo Hwa ve Moo Deok, sonunda onu mağarada bulur.
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:40 pm

EPS. 9
Hae Mo Soo'nun muhteşem kılıç ustalığı gösterisine kapılan Ju Mong, Hae Mo Soo'ya kılıç ustalığını ona öğretmesi için yalvarır. Hae Mo Soo, Ju Mong'u yanına oturtarak, Ju Mong'u tepeden tırnağa süpürür. Elini Ju Mong'un sırtında tutan Hae Mo Soo, ondan nefes almayı bırakmasını ister. Hae Mo Soo elini Ju Mong'un sırtından çeker çekmez, Ju Mong nefesini geri alır ama bilinçsizce yere düşer. Dae So ve Young Po, askerleriyle birlikte Ju Mong'u öldürmek için mağara hapishanesine giderken, aynı zamanda Kral Geum Wa da eskort altında hapishaneyi kendisi görmek için ayrılır. Hae Mo Soo ve Ju Mong'un eğitimde olduğu hapishaneye Dae So ve Young Po sert saldırılar başlatır. Young Po da dahil olmak üzere kılık değiştirmiş suikastçılar kendilerini ortaya çıkardığında Ju Mong'un gergin bakışı dehşete kapılır. Bu arada, Kral Geum Wa'nın muhafızları,

EPS. 10
Kral Geum Wa, Hae Mo Soo'nun hala hayatta olduğu haberini duyduktan sonra havaya bakar ve derin bir düşünceye dalar. Leydi Yoo Hwa, kral Geum Wa'yı ziyaret eder ve kral içip onun hakkında konuşmaya başladığında Hae Mo Soo'yu düşünerek gözyaşlarına boğulur. Gye Pil, tek başına içki içen Mo Pal Mo'ya yaklaşır ve ona bedava içki ısmarlar. Mo Pal Mo, Bu Yeo Sarayı'nın dışında dolaşırken Ju Mong belirir ve kılıç olup olmadığını sorar. Hae Mo Soo bir bambu mektubu çıkarır, Ju Mong'a verir ve durumunu açıklamadan Kral Geum Wa'ya teslim etmesini söyler. Ju Mong, bambu mektubu teslim etmek için Moo Deuk'tan yardım ister ve Kral Geum Wa, Yeon Ta Bal'dan gelen tahta mektupları okurken bambu mektubu bulur ve gerginleşir.

EPS. 11
Ju Mong, So Seo No'yu ziyaret eder ve ondan Yeon Ta Bal'ın ticaret grubuna O Yi, Ma Ri ve Hyeo Bo'yu almasını ister, ancak So Seo No reddeder. Dae So ve Na Ro, Ju Mong'u şaşırtmak için grubu ziyaret eder, ancak Ju Mong onları nezaketle karşılar. Ju Mong, Dae So ve So Seo No, Yeon Ta Bal'ın ofisinde birlikte çay molası verirken Dae So, Ju Mong'a aralarında hiçbir şey olmamış gibi davranır. So Seo No'dan bir süre izin almasını isteyen Ju Mong, Dae So'ya yaklaşır, önünde diz çöker ve hayatı için yalvarır. Won Hoo ve kendisinin son 20 yıllık sefil hatıralarından çileden çıkan Dae So, küstahlığı bir daha affetmeyeceğine söz verir. Kral Geum Wa, General Heuk Chi'yi arar ve ona mağara hapishanesinden kaçan Hae Mo Soo'yu bulmasını emreder. Bu Deuk Bool, uzaktan endişeli bir bakışla izliyor. Bu sırada,

EPS. 12
Hae Mo Soo, Yeo Mi Eul'un ayarladığı gibi Yu Hwa ile yeniden bir araya gelir. Yu Hwa, gözlerinden yaşlar akmaya devam ederken, geçmiş yıllarda kalbinin derinliklerinde sakladığı her şeyi ona anlatır. Yu Hwa ile duygusal olarak yüklü bir görüşmenin ardından Hae Mo Soo, Ju Mong'u mışıl mışıl uyurken bulmak için dağdaki sığınağına döner. Elini sessizce Ju Mong'un yanağına koyarken yüzünden gözyaşları döküldü. Saraya döndüğünde Yu Hwa, Geum Wa'ya Hae Mo Soo ile tanıştığını itiraf eder. Tamamen şok olan Geum Wa, kendisinin de umutsuzca Hae Mo Soo'yu aradığını söyler ve ona Hae Mo Soo'nun nerede olduğunu söylemesini ister... Ju Mong, saklandığı dağın yakınındaki çayırlarda Hae Mo Soo'dan okçuluk öğrenir. Usta bir okçunun hızlı bir atıcı olması gerektiğini söyleyen Hae Mo Soo, daha ilk ok hedefe ulaşmadan ikinci bir ok atarak Ju Mong'u şaşırtır. Buyeo'dan ayrılmaya kararlı olan Hae Mo Soo, Ju Mong'u annesini ziyaret etmesini söyleyerek uğurlar. Bu sırada Dae Soh, Hae Mo Soo'nun dağdaki sığınağına yaklaşır ve Geum Wa ve Yu Hwa kılık değiştirerek silahlı muhafızların koruması altında gizlice Kraliyet Sarayı'ndan ayrılırken yaklaşık iki yüz askere yol açar.
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:41 pm

EPS. 13
Ju Mong, annesinin durumunun kritik olduğu haberi üzerine aceleyle Saray'a döner. Yu Hwa'nın zayıf ve bitkin vücudunu gördüğü anda gözlerinden yaşlar süzülür... Bu sırada Dae So ve Won Hu, Young Po'dan Geum Wa'nın Ju Mong'u dışarıdan Saray'a bizzat geri getirdiğini duyunca suskun kalırlar. dengelerini geri kazanmak için mücadele ederler. Mo Pal Mo, Ju Mong'a söyleyecek çok önemli bir şeyi olduğunu söyler ve onu kamarasına götürür ve burada Young Po ve saray habercisinin demir atölyesinden silah kaçırdığını söyler. Haber karşısında şaşkına dönen Ju Mong, bir an için düşünür ve gerçeği ifşa etmenin hayatlarını tehlikeye atacağı için bu konuda hiçbir şey bilmiyormuş gibi davranmalarının daha iyi olacağını öne sürer. Kral Geum Wa, Ju Mong'u kamarasına çağırır. Ju Mong'dan Ju Mong'u öldürmeye çalışan suikastçının kimliğini sorar. ancak Ju Mong bilmediğini söyler…Bir dakika sonra Geum Wa, Ju Mong'a olağanüstü dövüş sanatları becerilerini sorar ve Ju Mong, bu becerileri Saray'ın dışında yaşarken Hae Mo Soo adlı bir öğretmenden aldığını söyler. Bu sırada Kral Geum Wa, tüm devlet adamlarını, Won Hu, Yu Hwa, Ju Mong, Dae Soh ve Young Po'yu kamarasına çağırır ve toplantıyı topladığı bombayı atar çünkü ne yapmaları gerektiğini tartışmak ister. Veliaht Prens.

EPS. 14
Ju Mong, Saraydan ayrılır ve Yeon Ta Bal'a gider ve ondan onu işe almasını ister. Yeon Ta Bal yanıt olarak, bunu düşünmek ve So Seo No ile Woo Tae'nin fikirlerini toplamak için biraz zamana ihtiyacı olduğunu söylüyor. Ju Mong'un Saray'a dönüşünün kendisine Saray'da iyi bir pozisyon elde etme fırsatı vereceğini düşünen Oh Ma Hyeop, Ju Mong'un ani duyurusuyla hayal kırıklığına uğrar… Ju Mong'un Yeon Ta Bal için çalıştığını duyan Kral Geum Wa röleler. oğlunun amacının ne olduğunu bilmeden Ju Mong için endişelenen Yu Hwa'ya haber. Dae Soh ve Bu Deuk Bul, Kral Geum Wa adına tuz ticareti meselesini halletmek için Hyeon To'nun Sarayına gider. Yang Jeong, ikisine söyleyecek hiçbir şeyi olmadığını ve sorunu çözmenin tek yolunun Kral Geum Wa'nın kendisine gelip Han'ın İmparatorunun emrini alması olduğunu söylüyor… Buna, Bu Deuk Bul, Dae Soh'a böyle bir hakarete katlanmak yerine Buyeo'ya dönmeleri ve başka seçenekler aramaları gerektiğini önerir, ancak Dae Soh dönmeden önce davayı çözmeye kararlıdır. Bu sırada Yeo Mi Eul, uzun uzun düşündükten sonra Geum Wa'yı ziyaret eder ve Geum Wa'nın Veliaht Prens'i nasıl görevlendireceğine dair tek kararına kızgınlığını ifade eder. Geum Wa, Hae Mo Soo'nun yirmi yıl boyunca hapsedilmesinden ve ölümünden sorumlu olduğu için Buyeo'nun devlet meselelerini Yeo Mi Eul ile tartışamayacağını söylüyor.

EPS. 15
Yeo Mi Eul, Buyeo'nun dört bölgesel bölgesindeki rahibeleri çağırır ve Kral Geum Wa'nın kahinin otoritesini çiğnediğini söyleyerek onu durdurmaları gerektiğini vurgular. Yeo Mi Eul'u dinleyen rahibelerden biri olan Hyeon Mu, Dağlardaki mağarada Da Mul Yayın (Buyeo'nun kurucusunun her zaman yanında taşıdığı efsanevi bir yay) kırıldığını gördüğüne dair inanılmaz haberi aktarır. Yeon Ta Bal, Ju Mong'un yayı ile alıştırma yapmasını izliyor ve hayatı boyunca Ju Mong'dan daha iyi bir okçu görmediğini söylüyor. Bir zamanlar üstün dövüş sanatları becerileriyle onu beladan kurtaran Hae Mo Soo'yu hatırlayan Yeon Ta Bal, Ju Mong'un Hae Mo Soo'dan başkası tarafından eğitilmediğini öğrenince oldukça şaşırır. Bu arada So Seo Noh, Dae Soh'un Han İmparatorluğu ile anlaşmazlığı çözdükten sonra geri döndüğü haberini duyunca, kamarasında onu ziyaret eder. Ziyaretinden memnun olan Dae Soh, masanın üzerindeki tahta bir kutuyu çıkarır. Değerli taşlar kutunun içindedir.

EPS. 16
Bu yüzden Seo Noh, babası Yeon Ta Bal'a kendisinin ve Ju Mong'un tüccarları Go San ülkesine götürmesine izin vermesi için yalvarır ve Yeon Ta Bal, kızının neler yapabileceğini görmeye karar verir. Ju Mong, So Seo Noh, Oh Ma Hyeop ve Sa Yong, Go San'a yolculuk için hazırlıklarını yaparlar. Ju Mong, annesini kamarasında ziyaret eder ve ona tuz ticareti için Go San'a gideceğini söyler. Yu Hwa bir an düşündükten sonra boynuna taktığı yeşim yüzüğü çıkarıp Ju Mong'a vererek onu sevdiği kadına vermesini söyler. Yeo Mi Eul, Saraya girdiğinden beri gizemli bir gücün etkisinde olduğunu söyleyen Bu Yeo'nun en genç rahibesi So Ryeong ile aynı masada oturuyor ve Yeo Mi Eul, Byeo Ri Ha'nın Ju Mong'un önünde nasıl bayıldığını hatırlıyor. .
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:42 pm

EPS. 17
Ju Mong ve So Seo No, gruba baskın yapan maskeli adamlarla mücadele eder. Bu yüzden Seo Noh, ölen adamlardan birinin Haeng In ulusuyla silah ticareti yaparken sık sık karşılaştığı bir askeri yetkili olduğunu keşfettikten sonra karışık duygulara kapılır. Hyeop Bo ve Ma Ri yolculuğa devam etmekte ısrar ederken Ju Mong, lider olduğu için So Seo No'nun kararına uyacağını söylüyor. Geum Wa, Han İmparatorluğu'nun Bu Yeo'nun 10.000 askerini güneybatı barbarlara karşı savaşı için gönderme talebinden rahatsız. Dae Soh, başarısının boşa gitmesini önlemek için, Bu Yeo'nun şartlı olarak birliklerini göndereceğini söyleyerek Yang Jeong'a müzakereler teklif eder, ancak Geum Wa, Han İmparatorluğu ile bir savaş hazırlamaya karar verir. Bu yüzden Seo Noh, yolculuğu iptal etmeye kararlıdır, ancak kendisine iki günlük süre vermesini isteyen Ju Mong yüzünden beklemeye karar verir.

EPS. 18
Kendi hayatını riske atan So Seo Noh, Ju Mong'u kurtarmak için düşman sığınağına atlar ve Bae Mang'a bir anlaşma teklif eder. İkisi de bir hücreye kapatılmış olan Ju Mong ve Oh Ma Hyeop, So Seo Noh'u bu kadar beklenmedik bir şekilde görünce şaşkına döner. Do Chi'den Ju Mong ve tüccar grubunun diğer üyelerinin yakında Bae Mang tarafından öldürüleceğini duyan Young Po, Won Hoo'nun odasına koşar ve yüzünde kocaman bir gülümsemeyle haberi aktarır. Ancak Dae Soh, Young Po'yu yalnızca ikinci elden duyduğu şeyler hakkında gevezelik ettiği için azarlar. Bu Young, Yu Hwa ile buluşur ve ona Ju Mong'un büyük bir tehlikede olduğunu söyler. Kuşkularla hareket eden Yu Hwa, durumu Yeon Ta Bal'a bildirmeye karar verir. Bu arada, insanlar tuz bulmak için Bu Yeo'nun her sokağını doldururken ve aralarında kavgalar çıkarken, Geum Wa giderek daha fazla rahatsız hissediyor...

EPS. 19
Ju Mong ve So Seo Noh, Kral Geum Wa'nın önünde duruyor. Ju Mong gururla, Bu Yeo'nun gelecek nesiller için yeterli tuz arzını sağlayacak bir tuz dağı bulduğuna göre artık Ok Jeo ile savaşa girmesine gerek olmadığını söylüyor. Ju Mong'un duyurusundan çok memnun olan Geum Wa, kutlamak için bir ziyafet düzenleyeceğini söylüyor. Dae Soh ve Young Po, yüzlerinde harap olmuş bir ifadeyle onları izliyor. Bu yüzden Seo Noh, tüccar grubuna geri dönmesi gerektiğini söylüyor ama Ju Mong, onunla birlikte annesine kısa bir ziyaret yapmasını öneriyor. İkili ve Yu Hwa, Yu Hwa'nın evinde çay içerken konuşurlar. Ju Mong, So Seo Noh'un haydutlarla bir anlaşma yaparak hayatını kurtardığını ve uzun zaman önce ona bataklıktan çıkmasına yardım edenin de So Seo Noh olduğunu söylüyor. Oldukça etkilenmiş olan Yu Hwa, So Seo Noh'a bakarken sıcak bir şekilde gülümsüyor.

EPS. 20
Dae Soh, Oh Yi'den Ju Mong'un daha güçlü demir yapmanın sırrını çözmeye çalıştığını duyunca rahatsız olur. Young Po, yüzünü kurtardığı için ona teşekkür etmek için Do Chi'ye gider. Hyeon To'dan Kral Geum Wa'nın özel elçisi olarak gönderildiği Bu Yeo Sarayı'na dönen Ju Mong, Geum Wa'nın Yang Jeong'a Han İmparatorluğu'nun Bu Yeo'nun işlerine sık sık müdahale ettiğini ve Bu Yeo'nun hazırlanacağını belirten mesajını ilettiğini söyledi. Bu Yeo'nun işine karışmaya devam ederse savaşa gitmek. Ju Mong'un duyurusu karşısında tüm devlet adamları şaşkına dönerken, Kral Geum Wa yürekten gülüyor ve Ju Mong'u övüyor. Dae Soh, demir silah üretiminin ilerleyişini sormak için demircinin müdür yardımcısı Dok Gu'yu arar. Korkudan titreyen Dok Gu, kısa süre önce şunu itiraf ediyor:
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:45 pm

Prince of the Legend/ep. 21-40 Plot Synopsis
Eps. 21
Ju Mong pretends that he let slip some important information in front of Young Po. King Geum Wa has his three sons compete their martial arts skills against one another. The three princes practice their skills for the upcoming match. Dae Soh invites Soh Seo Noh to the contest. At the archery contest, the first round of the competition, Ju Mong shoots arrows with his eyes blindfolded. At the second round, a fistfight and sword contest, Ju Mong and Dae Soh are evenly matched. After the competition, Ju Mong earns trust from the statesmen who used to regard Ju Mong as a mere headache of the royal family. Depressed, Dae Soh visits So Seo Noh and demands an answer for his proposal. Dae Soh, enraged by So Seo Noh’s answer, reports to King Geum Wa that it was Ju Mong who broke the Da Mul Bow. Won Hu’s plan is foiled because of Yeo Mi-eul.

Eps. 22
Under orders of Young Po, Han Dang kidnaps Bu Young. O Yi loses his temper and says he will beat Do Chi to death and rescue Bu Young at once. Ju Mong, Ma Ri and Hyeop Bo dissuade him, saying that they shouldn’t act recklessly at a critical time like this. Yu Hwa and Ju Mong are very worried to hear the news that an assassin broke into the Shrine and that Yeo Mi Eul’s safety is unknown at the moment. Geum Wa is furious with the Shrine’s poor security. Geum Wa orders General Heuk Chi to ascertain Yeo Mi Eul’s whereabouts and track down the assassin.

Eps. 23
Yeo Mi Eul discloses the secrets of Ju Mong’s birth. Utterly confused, Ju Mong talks to Yu Hwa and King Geum Wa. Using Bu Young as his hostage, Young Po threatens Ju Mong to withdraw from the contest, which will eventually determine who becomes the Crown Prince of Bu Yeo. Ju Mong says to King Geum Wa that he wants to drop out of the contest.

Eps. 24
Ju Mong decides to leave Bu Yeo for a while to track his late father’s activities with Oh Ma Hyeop. After telling his mother about his plans, Ju Mong embarks on a journey to locate the Da Mul troops. In his sleep, King Geum Wa sees Hae Mo Su chased after by the heavy cavalry and hit with arrows. Disturbed by his dream, Geum Wa goes to Yu Hwa’s quarters. Yu Hwa was having trouble sleeping as she keeps thinking about what Ju Mong had said to her. She is surprised to see Geum Wa visiting her… Yu Hwa is taken aback when Geum Wa asks if Ju Mong resigned from the Crown Prince contest because of Hae Mo Su. Bu Deuk Bul and all the statesmen suggest that Dae-so must be designated as the Crown Prince, since the contest between the remaining two princes is meaningless now that Ju Mong has dropped out, but Geum Wa emphatically states that he will wait and see. While Dae So’s face goes rigid at the king’s remarks, Young Po smiles with relief.

Eps. 25
The Han’s heavy cavalry march captures the Gojoseon people when Ju Mong and Oh Ma Hyeop appear on the scene, vanquishes the troops and sets the people free. Yang Jeong, the governor-general of Hyeon To hears from his security officer that the Han’s troops were annihilated and the displaced people were set free. Enraged, Yang Jeong orders to send troops immediately to catch all of the prisoners back. Dae So is back in the Han Empire to make a deal with Yang Jeong. Yang Jeong says that he will transfer Han’s iron weapon manufacture techniques to Bu Yeo by dispatching the head of his armory. Dae So beams and expresses his gratitude. At that moment, Yang Jeong’s daughter Yang Seol Ran who has incredible beauty and poise comes into the room and the two exchange greetings. Meanwhile, priestess So Ryeong visits Yu Hwa in her quarters with Byeo Ri Ha, and tells her that Ju Mong must leave Bu Yeo at once. Surprised, Yu Hwa says Ju Mong is not in Bu Yeo at the moment, but to Yu Hwa’s shock, Byeo Ri Ha warns that if Ju Mong does not leave Bu Yeo, he could get killed…
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:45 pm

Eps. 26
Dae Soh and Na Ro test the sword newly crafted by a blacksmith of the Han Empire. The two compete against each other with one holding the new sword and the other the old one. Bu Yeo’s sword breaks in two by the new sword. Watching the match, King Geum Wa is very impressed and pleased, and gives an order to have a banquet to commend the workers at the armory. Young Po’s face becomes rigid with jealousy and envy. Discovering that Young Po has taken away all the trade records while Yeon Ta Bal was away with the merchant group, So Seo Noh goes to Dae Soh to demand that he tell her why on earth he wanted to put her family through such a humiliation. Completely taken aback, Dae Soh seeks Young Po out and asks him with fury what was on his mind when he acted so thoughtlessly. Dae Soh tells Young Po to settle the situation because it was Young Po who caused the mess in the first place. Ju Mong and Oh Ma Hyeop are back in Bu Yeo. Ju Mong first goes to his mother and then to King Geum Wa’s sleeping quarters. With Ju Mong, King Geum Wa reminisces about Hae Mo Su and brings up what it was like when he and Hae Mo Su were in the Da Mul troops. Ju Mong listens to Geum Wa without saying a word and confesses that while he is eternally grateful to Geum Wa for having raised him, he can’t forgive Dae Soh and Young Po who hurt his innocent father, Hae Mo Su …

Eps. 27
King Geum Wa once again rejects the statesmen’s request to designate Dae Soh as the Crown Prince. Overwhelmed with anger, Won Hu can’t suppress her rage despite Dae Soh and Ma Wu Ryeong’s efforts at dissuading her. Yu Hwa advises Ju Mong to take extra caution because the Queen and Dae Soh are extremely distressed and Ju Mong could become an innocent victim of their rage.

Eps. 28
Ju Mong says he will attack Jin Beon and Im Dun to rescue Gojoseon refugees. King Geum Wa expresses his apprehension over Ju Mong’s determination, saying that Ju Mong will face strong opposition from the statesmen. Ju Mong tells Geum Wa that if the king opposes his plan, he will leave Bu Yeo along with his mother. Mo Pal Mo shows Yeon Ta Bal the sword manufactured at Gye Ru’s armory. Ju Mong evaluates the sword to be either equal or slightly superior to the one developed by Dae So. Mo Pal Mo pledges that he will soon make much stronger swords than those of the Han Empire, now that he has found a clue to making stronger iron. Meanwhile, So Seo Noh asks Ju Mong to take extra caution with the ironworkers whom Dae Soh brought along, since Dae Soh made a deal with Yang Jeong on the condition that he would marry Yang Jeong’s daughter. So Seo Noh seeks her father out and entreats him to let her lead a merchant band for military supplies if Bu Yeo decides to go to war with Jin Beon and Im Dun.

Eps. 29
Sa Chul Do’s Ma Ga sends a messenger to King Geum Wa, who delivers the head of the official dispatched to Sa Chul Do under Geum Wa’s orders and a message that Ma Ga won’t send a single solder from Sa Chul Do for Bu Yeo’s war. Geum Wa and Ju Mong are appalled to see the head. Overwhelmed with rage, Geum Wa orders the general to make preparations to go to war immediately but is soon faced with rather formidable opposition from the statesmen. Yang Jeong sends a note to spies that he planted in Bu Yeo. Their faces turn serious after reading the note, and they throw the note into an incinerator soon after. Ju Mong and Oh Ma Hyeop are out in the market to investigate sentiments of the people. Passengers are in groups of twos and threes, talking about how the people at Sa Chul Do decapitated the official from Bu Yeo. Right then, the displaced people of Gojoseon, whom Ju Mong and Oh Ma Hyeop rescued before approach them, saying that they heard about the impending war, and ask the two to let them join in. Moreover, dozens of Da Mul troops flock to the Bu Yeo Palace to make an earnest request to Geum Wa to let them fight for Bu Yeo…

Eps. 30
Dae So declares to King Geum Wa on bended knee that he will lead the campaign against Jin Beon and Im Doon. Geum Wa names Ju Mong commander of the vanguard, and directs Dae So and Young Po to aid Ju Mong in achieving certain victory in the war. Ju Mong goes to King Geum Wa and asks him to withdraw the appointment, saying he cannot have his older brothers serving under him. But Geum Wa stresses that the treasonous ambitions of Sa Chul Do and the Queen’s relations can only be quieted if he and Ju Mong lead this war together. Later, Yeon Ta Bal, accompanied by So Seo No, visits King Geum Wa and offers his services as a military supplier. When Geum Wa asks how in the world he plans to purvey enough food and munitions for the entire Bu Yeo army, So Seo No replies that they have long known about the impending war through Ju Mong and that all preparations have already been completed. Greatly pleased by So Seo No’s explanation, Geum Wa asks her and Yeon Ta Bal to make sure everything proceeds according to plan...

Eps. 31
Having learned the attack route of the vanguard troops through Dae So, Yang Jeong busily prepares a countermeasure. While leading his men across the fields, Ju Mong observes that their movements have likely become known to the enemy and searches for a new position. As Bu Yeo’s soldiers engage in close combat, Dae So appears in full battle regalia and personally leads them in combat. After watching awhile, Geum Wa orders Dae So to take over the main force until Ju Mong arrives to join them. Meanwhile, Yeon Ta Bal’s merchant band assiduously prepares for war. So Seo No and Sa Yong suggest that it would be better to move before the main force and establish a camp; Yeon Ta Bal assents and declares that he will go to the palace to discuss the matter. Dae So suddenly appears and threatens So Seo No, saying that he will not be made to wait forever. At Yu Hwa’s orders, Moo Song rounds up the fortunetellers from the market streets. Yu Hwa discovers that the Queen and Priestess Ma Wu Ryeong are behind all the fortunetellers who have stirred up the populace with the same lie. She summons the Queen and Ma Wu Ryeong. She declares that inciting the people in wartime is tantamount to treason and warns that she will not tolerate another such attempt from them...
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:46 pm

Eps. 32
Yeo Mi Eul seeks out Bi Ryu’s leader Song Yang in order to free So Seo No. Declaring that Bu Yeo will come out victorious in the war, she tells him to release So Seo No immediately and reconcile with Yeon Ta Bal. But Song Yang, blinded by his own obstinacy, turns a deaf ear to her words. When the appointed hour arrives with no word from Yeon Ta Bal, Song Yang resolves to execute So Seo No. Just as Song Yang’s man lifts up his sword to kill So Seo No, Ju Mong, O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo appear on the scene and rescue her. Stepping toward So Seo No, Ju Mong rests his gaze upon her, and her eyes overflow with tears. Meanwhile, Dae So hears that the supply unit captured by Song Yang has returned safely. He rejoices, believing the unit to have been rescued by Na Ro. With hurried footsteps, he goes looking for So Seo No, but is astonished to find Ju Mong by her side instead of Na Ro...

Eps. 33
Ju Mong and his advance troops use kites to turn Han’s camp into a raging inferno. Bu Yeo’s main army, led by Geum Wa, advance with a war cry and wreak havoc on the camp, which has been torn by internal confusion. Flustered, Yang Jeong flees the spot with a handful of his soldiers. Geum Wa spots Yang Jeong’s party and pursues them on his horse with lifted sword. After cutting a swath through the enemy troops, Geum Wa gets off his horse and continues to fell the soldiers of Han on foot. Suddenly, an arrow strikes him on the left side of his chest, and he falls unconscious to the ground. Yang Jeong receives word that the governor of Jin Beon has been killed. With an ashen face, he orders his army to retreat. Meanwhile, Ju Mong begins his pursuit of the governor of Im Doon, who has taken flight...

Eps. 34
Geum Wa lies unconscious on his bed. Ma Wu Ryeong musters her divine power in order to heal his wounds, but the attempt proves unsuccessful. Even the royal physician states that Geum Wa’s fate is in the hands of the gods. Bu Deuk Bul, observing that the king’s illness must not create a gap in the affairs of state, declares that Dae So should take over Geum Wa’s responsibilities for the time being. The ministers and officials convene a meeting and decide to have Dae So take on all the affairs of state until Geum Wa recovers. Dae So appoints Na Ro as the head of the Royal Guard, a post that had been left vacant. Yearning for Ju Mong, So Seo No sits in a daze with tears brimming in her eyes as Woo Tae looks on in concern. Meanwhile, Dae So and the Queen begin to mercilessly execute all the ministers and officials who are loyal to Geum Wa, in order to cement their power...

Eps. 35
To assuage the Queen’s rancor, Dae So places Yu Hwa under house arrest and prevents her from going to see Geum Wa. He also instructs his troops to strictly prohibit Yu Hwa from leaving her quarters and prevent anyone from coming near. Meanwhile, Ma Wu Ryeong, Yu Seong, and Hyeon Mu hold a sacred rite at the altar. Throughout the ceremony, they feel a pressing on their hearts and speculate that Yeo Mi Eul must have returned to Bu Yeo. The Queen directs Young Po to find out if Yeo Mi Eul has indeed returned to Bu Yeo, and if so, to speedily seek her out and eliminate her without fail. O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo decide to get Mo Pal Mo, who is under threat from Dae So, out of the ironworks. Risking danger to themselves, they extract Mo Pal Po and steal him away to Gye Ru. Upon learning about Mo Pal Mo’s escape, Dae So flies into a rage at Na Ro and demands that he recapture Mo Pal Mo at any cost...

Eps. 36
With great effort, Geum Wa finally recovers consciousness. All the ministers and officials flock to him and express concern for his health. Meanwhile, Dae So is plunged in anxiety, for fear that his father might find out how he has killed off Geum Wa’s devoted servants, placed Yu Hwa under house arrest, and even married Seol Ran. O Yi visits Yeon Ta Bal’s merchant band and apprises him of Geum Wa’s recovery. Yeon Ta Bal worries that an internal war might break out within Bu Yeo Palace, and Woo Tae recommends that it would be best to lead the band back to Gye Ru. Yeon Ta Bal suggests to So Seo No that she wait with them back in Gye Ru, but she resolutely replies that she will remain in Bu Yeo. At Yeo Mi Eul’s summons, Mo Pal Mo and Moo Song visit the Shrine, where they hear the incredible news that Ju Mong may be alive still. Accompanied by several soldiers, they set out in search of Ju Mong...

Eps. 37
Geum Wa’s plan fails, and General Heuk Chi and the troops surrender to Dae So. Appointed by Geum Wa as regent in his stead, Dae So makes new changes to the government. Yeon Ta Bal is apprehended by Dae So on the charge of being a war profiteer... Meanwhile, O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo hear from Mo Pal Mo and Moo Song that Ju Mong is still alive. They set out to rescue him...
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:47 pm

Eps. 38
O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo, along with Mo Pal Mo, rescue Ju Mong while he is being transferred to Hyeon To. They are overcome with emotion at finding Ju Mong alive. Ju Mong and his three friends hasten to the village of the Han Baek clan and rescue So Ya in the blink of an eye. Hearing of Yeon Ta Bal’s banishment, Geum Wa calls him in and expresses his regret. Yu Hwa begs So Seo No for forgiveness in Ju Mong’s stead, telling her to forget him and move on. But all So Seo No can do is shed tears of heartbreak in Yu Hwa’s arms. In a corner of the palace, Young Po harasses the ladies-in-waiting, as Dae So looks on with displeasure written on his face. Dae So takes Young Po to task for his inappropriate behavior. When the enraged Young Po accuses him of committing incest, Dae So has his brother thrown in prison. Meanwhile, Yang Jeong discovers that Ju Mong is alive, and orders Dong Seon to immediately convey the news to Dae So...

Eps. 39
Sneaking into Bu Yeo Palace, Ju Mong goes to his mother’s quarters. Yu Hwa is stunned to see Ju Mong, whom she had thought dead. As if unable to believe that her son is alive after all, Yu Hwa sheds endless tears. She begs Ju Mong not to show his face before Dae So until Geum Wa comes up with a plan. Na Ro receives a report that there’s an intruder in the palace. He reinforces the security outside Dae So’s bedchamber and orders his men to find the intruder as soon as possible. Accompanied by the Royal Guard, Na Ro barges into Yu Hwa’s quarters and searches the room. Angered by his insolent behavior, Yu Hwa slaps him. Meanwhile, banished from Bu Yeo, Yeon Ta Bal’s merchant band returns to Gye Ru. Yeo Mi Eul and So Ryeong welcome them back. Before So Seo No, Woo Tae, Sa Yong, Chae Ryeong and company, Yeon Ta Bal announces his intention to appoint So Seo No as his successor...

Eps. 40
Mo Pal Mo and Moo Song are abducted and imprisoned by Song Yang, who decides to hand his prisoners over to Dae So and prepares to transport them to Bu Yeo. To rescue Mo Pal Mo, Ju Mong turns to Yeon Ta Bal for help. However, his rescue attempt ends in failure due to Yeon Chae Ryeong and Yang Tak’s betrayal. Yu Hwa goes to Geum Wa’s bedchamber and introduces Ye So Ya to him. She suggests arranging for Ju Mong to become engaged to Ye So Ya in order to restore his peace of mind. Geum Wa assents to Yu Hwa’s suggestion, saying a daughter of Ye Cheon must surely be blessed with both grace and goodness. Meanwhile, Dae So summons Ju Mong and tells him to persuade Mo Pal Mo, with whom he has a longstanding relationship, to forge a steel sword. He adds that Ju Mong must kill Mo Pal Mo if the latter should refuse. After much hesitation, Ju Mong calls Mo Pal Mo and orders him to create a steel blade, as Mo Pal Mo, O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo stare at him in disbelief.
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Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:49 pm

Prince of the Legend/ep. 41-60 Plot Synopsis
Eps. 41
As the rumor that Ju Mong will be taken to Han as a hostage spreads throughout the palace, Geum Wa, Yu Hwa, O Yi, Ma Ri, Hyeop Bo, and Ye So Ya are plunged into grief. But they are unable to devise a feasible alternative. Bu Deuk Bul observes to Dae So that it would be safer to keep Ju Mong inside the palace than to send him to Han, where he could pose a greater threat, and recommends that he send Young Po instead. When Young Po learns that there has been talk of sending him to Han as a hostage, he becomes infuriated and seeks out Bu Deuk Bul. He warns Bu Deuk Bul that the latter will soon pay the price for disdaining him. Young Po and Do Chi secretly gather a group of fighters and train them rigorously in order to overthrow Dae So. O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo watch from afar and inform Ju Mong of the fact. Recalling what Young Po once said to him, Ju Mong leaps to his feet and goes looking for Young Po.

Eps. 42
Thanks to Ju Mong’s aid, Dae So barely escapes with his life from the threat posed by Young Po’s rebellion. Unable to suppress his anger, he kills Do Chi and Han Dang with a single stroke and aims his sword at Young Po’s throat. Han sends an envoy to escort Ju Mong, who is the hostage for Bu Yeo’s security. Ju Mong prepares to leave Bu Yeo, but O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo volunteer to accompany him to Han. Yu Hwa advises her son that it would be best to go through with his wedding to Ye So Ya and go with her. Meanwhile, So Seo No learns that Chae Ryeong has been in league with Song Yang. She goes to Chae Ryeong and warns him that she will not stand by and watch if such a thing ever happens again...

Eps. 43
Hearing that Ju Mong is inviting the heads of tribes and merchant bands to his wedding, Woo Tae is thrown briefly into distress. However, So Seo No declares that she will attend in order to shake off the bonds of her past relationship with Ju Mong. Ju Mong professes his intention to send the expatriated refugees to Han as slaves. Shocked by his dramatic change, O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo bid farewell to Ju Mong. Meanwhile, Ju Mong leads the troops from Han, Jin Beon, and Im Doon in hunting down refugees. At this complete turnaround in Ju Mong’s attitude, even the Queen begins to have doubts...

Eps. 44
Surveying the refugee camp under the guidance of the guards, Ju Mong, O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo are busily making preparations to lead the refugees in escaping Bu Yeo. At that moment, news arrives that Man Ho was caught trying to escape the camp at the head of some refugees. Ju Mong and his cohort hurriedly visit Man Ho in his tent. Saying that he can see Hae Mo Soo and asking Ju Mong to restore their lost kingdom, Man Ho draws his last breath. Seol Ran’s bodyguard Hahu Cheon is discovered by Ju Mong in the act of tailing him under Seol Ran’s orders. Ju Mong goes to Seol Ran’s sleeping quarters with his knife at Hahu Cheon’s throat. He warns that if she tries to put him under surveillance one more time, he will consider Hahu Cheon a spy of Han and cut his throat. Unable to suppress her rising anger, Seol Ran trembles. After hearing from Ma Wu Ryeong that the three-legged bird’s energy is covering all of Bu Yeo, the Queen tells Dae So to beware of Ju Mong as he seems to be planning something. However, Dae So has already placed his trust in Ju Mong, who saved his life and does not shirk hardships...

Eps. 45
Ju Mong, O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo, who visited the refugee camp, lead the refugees and leave Bu Yeo. After watching from afar, Song Ju goes to the tent where Geum Wa and Yu Hwa are sojourning and tell them the news, which greatly relieves them. In order to prevent Na Ro and other generals from joining the pursuit, Geum Wa summons Na Ro, who is serving as his guard, and demands that they leave for the hot springs in Mt. Taebong, far away from Bu Yeo Palace. While Ye So Ya and her attendant are busily walking with their eye on their surroundings, Hahu Cheon and his soldiers block their path and take them to Seol Ran. She demands to know who Ye So Ya was planning to meet outside the palace, but she refuses to answer. In response, Seol Ran confines Ye So Ya in her room and orders her men to keep strict watch. After waiting for Ye So Ya, Mo Pal Mo and Moo Song see soldiers guarding her chamber and realize that something has gone wrong. Perplexed, they are forced to flee Bu Yeo on their own. Meanwhile, Dae So and the ministers receive the report that Ju Mong is heading for Hyeon To with a group of refugees. In great consternation, they try to assess the situation. Learning that Ye So Ya was captured while attempting to escape and that Mo Pal Mo and the ironsmiths have disappeared, Dae So raises his troops and sets out in pursuit of Ju Mong...

Eps. 46
Ju Mong, who has decided to attack the Han Baek clan, hastens the production of steel swords. He busily prepares for the impending campaign, building watch towers and beacons in covert locations. Yu Hwa learns of Ye So Ya’s pregnancy. She goes to Geum Wa and stresses that they must get her out as soon as possible. Geum Wa summons Dae So to his quarters and tells him that it is inhuman for him to keep the pregnant Ye So Ya in prison. After much consideration, Dae So calls Na Ro and tells him to move Ye So Ya from the jail to her own quarters. On the outskirts of the Han Baek settlement, a burning arrow soars into the night sky and the Da Mul Forces, led by Ju Mong, O Yi, Ma Ri, Hyeop Bo and Moo Song, begin their assault. Seol Tak, who receives the report of Ju Mong’s attack while drinking with his men, begins to flee in great alarm...
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Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:49 pm

Eps. 47
Dae So, who arrives at Mt. Bon Gye with the Cavalry in order to strike at Ju Mong, sends a reconnaissance force to ascertain if there is an ambush in wait. Na Ro reports back to Dae So that there is no ambush, and Dae So begins to climb the Mt. Bon Gye valley with the Cavalry as the advance force. Ju Mong, who has been lying in wait in the forest for the enemy to arrive, shoots a flaming arrow into the sky. With the arrow as their signal, O Yi, Ma Ri, Hyeop Bo and the Da Mul Forces, who had also been hiding in the forest, attack Dae So’s troops. Dae So, who barely escapes the assault with his life, is set upon once more by Jae Sa, Mu Gol, and Muk Geo, who have prepared an ambush in another location. Meanwhile, Chae Ryeong calls So Seo No, who is with child, and makes the unreasonable request for her to lead the merchant band on a trip to Ok Jeo. After considering at length, So Seo No decides to embark on the long journey to accumulate wealth.

Eps. 48
At the news that Bu Yeo plans to ferret out the remaining refugees and send them to Han as slaves, Ju Mong leads the Da Mul Forces in order to rescue them. At that moment, Mo Pal Mo and Moo Song arrive on their horses and convey Yeo Mi Eul’s instruction to suspend the attack. Yeo Mi Eul herself, who arrives shortly thereafter, observes that the roundup of the refugees may be a trap and bears further investigation. Ju Mong confirms that the Cavalry is following the procession of refugees that Na Ro is leading. Determined to completely break Dae So’s spirit at this opportunity, Ju Mong attempts a surprise attack. Meanwhile, So Seo No, who arrives at the Hwang Ryong at the head of her band, strikes a successful deal...

Eps. 49
Dae So sends Ju Mong a letter declaring that he will execute Yu Hwa and Ye So Ya if Ju Mong does not appear at Bu Yeo Palace. After debating lengthily over the letter, O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo decide not to inform Ju Mong but plan a covert rescue of the two women instead. Ju Mong sets off on a reconnaissance mission with Jae Sa, Mu Gol, and Muk Geo in order to subjugate the Chang Cheon Gok clan. He captures an envoy headed for Hyeon To in order to survey the situation in Bu Yeo and finds the letter he is carrying. While reading the letter, Ju Mong asks after Yu Hwa and Ye So Ya and is shocked to hear that Dae So is planning to execute them both if Ju Mong does not show himself at Bu Yeo Palace. Meanwhile, Yu Hwa succeeds in sneaking Mu Deok out of the palace and getting a letter to Ju Mong, with the aid of the royal physician...

Eps. 50
So Seo No meets Dae So for the deal in Bu Yeo. She implores his magnanimity, saying there’s nothing left for her now except for her merchant band, and Dae So permits the sale with a faint yet cold smile on his lips. Yu Hwa lies in bed, nursed by Ye So Ya and the Royal Physician. Hearing the news, Dae So decides, after much consideration, to release Geum Wa from confinement in his quarters and allow him to visit Yu Hwa. In Yu Hwa’s bedchamber, Geum Wa is struck silent with concern and weeps with Yu Hwa’s hand in his… Meanwhile, Ju Mong, who has obtained through Sa Yong a map revealing a secret passageway into Bu Yeo Palace, resolves to rescue Yu Hwa and Ye So Ya. Accompanied by O Yi, Ma Ri, Hyeop Bo, and Jae Mu Muk, he sneaks into the palace…

Eps. 51
Young Po, who has returned to Bu Yeo, visits Geum Wa in his quarters. Geum Wa observes that Dae So’s power will not last long, and entreats Young Po never to get into conflict with his brother again. Meanwhile, Dae So orders his men to keep a close watch over Young Po’s every move, since he may be planning something. Yang Jeong leads the Steel Cavalry and his troops to the Changcheongok clan and pressures them to increase their production of iron ore. The clansmen respond in dismay, explaining that everyone except for children and the old have been put to work in the iron mine. Ju Mong, upon visiting Changcheongok to expand his power base, learns of Yang Jeong’s visit. He stages an ambush on Yang Jeong’s party as they head for Jung San. Caught helpless by Ju Mong and his Damul Forces, Yang Jeong flees along with a handful of Steel Cavalry soldiers…
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Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:50 pm

Eps. 52
As the sun is overtaken by shadow and the world is plunged in darkness, the people in Bu Yeo Palace and on the streets of Bu Yeo tremble with anxiety. Soon, the sun comes out again and light returns, but the frightened populace finds it difficult to regain their peace of mind. Ma Wu Ryeong, who had fallen unconscious at seeing the sun disappear, raises herself with difficulty. When the Queen asks what the eclipse might portend, Ma Wu Ryeong replies that it is surely a sign of impending disaster. Ju Mong gathers the Damul troops and the refugees, telling them that the eclipse signifies the beginning of a new nation. He emphasizes that the three-legged bird will soar into the newly-risen sun. Meanwhile, Dae So receives the report that the common people have been greatly disturbed by the eclipse. Furious, he declares that he will execute anyone, whether lowly or exalted, who confuse the populace with unfounded rumors…

Eps. 53
Dae So assigns troops to General Heuk Chi and orders him to capture Ju Mong. However, the general, who has resolved to spearhead the restoration of Geum Wa, leads the troops to Ju Mong and requests his aid. The surprised Ju Mong informs Yeo Mi Eul that Geum Wa is plotting a return to power, at which a shadow comes over Yeo Mi Eul’s face. Recalling Bu Deuk Bul’s entreaty that once he has regained power, he must improve Bu Yeo’s relations with Han and abandon Ju Mong, Geum Wa falls deep into thought. Bu Deuk Bul convenes a meeting of all ministers and officials and proposes that Geum Wa be restored to the throne, as Dae So’s lunacy has reached its peak. Everyone present becomes overwhelmed with apprehension, but is unable to raise any objections against the adamant Bu Deuk Bul…

Eps. 54
Bu Deuk Bul tells General Heuk Chi that Ju Mong must be eliminated if he refuses to give up his Damul troops. Hearing that the Damul forces pose an obstacle to Bu Yeo’s stability, Heuk Chi makes his decision. He instructs Geum Wa’s guard to keep a close watch on Ju Mong and his cohort, saying that they might need to be eradicated. Ju Mong informs Yu Hwa that Geum Wa has asked him to disband the Damul forces and return to Bu Yeo. Yu Hwa replies that she will support him in whatever decision he makes, but that the Damul forces are already a part of him. Meanwhile, So Seo No and Yeon Ta Bal meet Bu Deuk Bul to request that the relationship between Bu Yeo and Gye Roo be restored and await his reply. Ju Mong resolves to stand with the Damul forces and leave Bu Yeo. Yu Hwa urges Ye So Ya to depart with him, but Ye So Ya declares that she will stay by Yu Hwa’s side until the baby is born. At that moment, they hear the news that Ju Mong has been captured by Bu Yeo’s soldiers...

Eps. 55
Geum Wa throws Ju Mong and his cohort in prison, pronouncing it an act of treason against himself and Bu Yeo for Ju Mong to found a new kingdom with the Damul troops. When Bu Deuk Bul tells him that Ju Mong must be killed for the sake of Bu Yeo, Geum Wa is assailed with pain and distress. Meanwhile, Bu Deuk Bul, who has kidnapped Yeo Mi Eul, asks her to convince Ju Mong to return to Bu Yeo. When she refuses, he cuts her down before Ju Mong’s very eyes. Seeing her fall, Ju Mong is provoked to extreme anger...

Eps. 56
Time passes. Ju Mong, at the head of the Damul troops, wages war against other clans and continues to expand his territory. Famine and disaster strike Bu Yeo for many years after Geum Wa regains power. The people of Bu Yeo become increasingly destitute and even the royal coffers begin to be depleted. At meetings with the state ministers and officials, Geum Wa continually receives reports of Bu Yeo’s deteriorating circumstances, but is unable to come up with a solution. Meanwhile, Dae So, who has been banished to a remote region of Bu Yeo, wastes his days in drink and depravity...

Eps. 57
Ju Mong finds himself in deep thought at So Seo No’s suggestion that they move the Damul troops’ base camp to Jol Bon and form an alliance. Accompanied by O Yi, he infiltrates the market streets of Hyeon To in order to discover Bu Yeo and Han’s movements. He discovers Dae So, Seol Ran and company there, and begins to keep a close watch on them. At the party thrown in Dae So and Seol Ran’s honor, Dae So asks Yang Jeong why he wishes to attack Jol Bon. The latter replies that after he helps Song Yang vanquish Gye Ru, he will immediately eliminate Song Yang and subjugate Jol Bon. He asks Dae So to lead Han’s reinforcements, but after some consideration, Dae So answers that he cannot abandon Bu Yeo. Meanwhile, Na Ro finds Ju Mong and company in the market. Leading Han’s soldiers, he surrounds the inn where Ju Mong and O Yi are staying...
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Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:54 pm

Eps. 58
Along with O Yi, Ju Mong returns to the ancestral mountain to see the Damul Bow he once broke. At the mountain, there is a flash of radiant light and Heavenly Lady Bi Geum Seon appears. She bows deeply to Ju Mong and declares that the master of the Damul Bow is not Bu Yeo but the Damul forces and Ju Mong. Pondering Bi Geum Seon’s words, Ju Mong searches for records of Old Joseon. Together with Jae Sa, he seeks out Cheon Dae In, who informs him that even though all records were lost in the fire when Wang Geom Seong fell, he still possesses an invaluable relic from Old Joseon. In return, he asks Ju Mong to protect his merchant band. Meanwhile, bad omens continue to appear in Bu Yeo. Geum Wa’s face breaks out in black spots, and lightning and thunder split the sky even though it is still daylight...

Eps. 59
Despite Yeon Ta Bal’s objections, So Seo No takes a handful of soldiers including Sa Yong and infiltrates the enemy camp to strike Song Yang. Meanwhile, Bu Bun No sneaks into the Damul forces’ camp to spy on Ju Mong’s movements. He is assailed by fear when he sees the ardent looks of devotion filling the eyes of the Damul troops. When the Queen tries to bring in Jae Bu Jo Ui’s daughter as Dae So’s concubine, Seol Ran’s eyes fill with hatred for Ye So Ya. At that moment, Yu Hwa visits Seol Ran in her bedchamber and warns her never to try to harm Ye So Ya and Yu Ri again. Seeing Geum Wa in his quarters, Yu Hwa informs him that someone tried to poison Yu Ri and asks him to let Ye So Ya and Yu Ri leave Bu Yeo. However, Geum Wa refuses. Instead, he sends guards to Yu Hwa’s and Ye So Ya’s respective chambers and orders them to keep a tight watch over them...

Eps. 60
As Chan Su is heading for So Seo No’s hideout with medicine for her wounds, a dozen or more of Song Yang’s men block his path and attack him. Ju Mong and his friends rush into Song Yang’s camp to rescue So Seo No. They defeat the enemy soldiers and get So Seo No to safety in Gye Ru. While Ju Mong and company are away from the Damul forces’ base camp, Dae So attacks Mt. Bon Gye. The main force and the refugees have already departed for the new base camp, leaving only old men and children at the mountain camp, but the enraged Dae So slaughters them without mercy. Meanwhile, Ju Mong sets up an ambush along the path that the Han troops, on the way to assist Song Yang, will take...
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Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:55 pm

Prince of the Legend/ep. 61-81 Plot Synopsis
Eps. 61
Na Ro and the royal guards search each and every street for signs of Yu Hwa and company. Yu Hwa and Ye So Ya, with Yu Ri in her arms, flee into the mountains. Spotting Cheon Dae In’s merchant band from afar, they appeal for help. With Yu Ri hidden in a cart, Yu Hwa and Ye So Ya disguise themselves as men and attempt to cross the border. But the border guards sense that something is amiss and block their way. Dae So, who has come to see Song Yang, offers to send reinforcements to Jol Bon to fight off the Damul forces, but demands that Song Yang pay tributes to Bu Yeo in exchange. Song Yang replies that tributes are out of the question, since the military’s entire food supply was incinerated in Gye Ru’s surprise attack and even the common people are dying from starvation.

Eps. 62
To keep his promise to Song Yang, Ju Mong goes to the latter’s camp by himself. Song Yang’s chief officer tells him he must disarm before seeing the commander; after some hesitation, Ju Mong complies. At that moment, dozens of soldiers appear and begin to attack Ju Mong at the chief’s orders. Hearing the news that Ju Mong has subjugated Song Yang, chaos breaks out at Bu Yeo Palace. Geum Wa takes to bed from the shock, and the Queen seeks out Ma Wu Ryeong for advice. Ma Wu Ryeong tells her that the only way out of the crisis is to request help from Han. Seol Ran also urges Dae So to initiate an alliance between Han and Bu Yeo...

Eps. 63
In the dead of night, Bu Bun No sneaks into Gye Ru to assassinate Ju Mong. Taking a gleaming dagger out of his shirt, he steals toward Ju Mong’s quarters. At that moment, he hears a noise and quickly hides himself. He sees So Seo No and Sa Yong approach Ju Mong’s bedchamber and urgently wakes him. His opportunity lost, Bu Bun No unsheathes his dagger and departs... When Bu Yeo joins forces with Han and orders a ban on all trade with Gye Ru, the latter faces a serious crisis. Song Yang and the heads of Hwan Na, Gwan Na, and Yeon Na all come clamoring to Gye Ru and demand that the situation be rectified at once. Receiving no word from Bu Bun No, Dae So sends Se Jak for an update on the situation. Infiltrating Gye Ru, Se Jak is puzzled to find Bu Bun No dressed in the outfit of a Jol Bon soldier and warns him not to forget his family back in Bu Yeo...

Eps. 64
Ju Mong decides to go south and enlist the help of Eup Ru’s pirates in transporting grain to Jol Bon. Ju Mong and company, who depart on their journey without informing Jol Bon, fight through numerous perils and finally succeed in meeting Bu Wi Yeom, the pirate captain. Meanwhile, Dae So gathers his ministers together and announces his intention to strike Jol Bon. Alarmed, the ministers, including Bu Deuk Bul, object to the proposed campaign, citing Bu Yeo’s current plight. But Dae So stresses that preparing for a war will not be so difficult if all the nobles and government officials contribute their wealth.

Eps. 65
When news spreads that Bu Yeo will attack Jol Bon once Ju Mong is dead, the chiefs of the various clans become deeply anxious. Late at night, Ju Mong visits Song Yang in his bedchamber. He explains the reason why he left Jol Bon in secret, and promises victory in the coming war. Dae So puts the spurs on the preparations for war, forming an advance force to strike at Jol Bon and assigning the safeguarding of the supply troops to the border guard. Yeong Po expresses his desire to join in the campaign, but Dae So flatly refuses. Meanwhile, Bu Bun No, who has been assigned to the advance force by Dae So, cuts down the guards stationed in the mountains and hastens toward Jol Bon...

Eps. 66
When an unexpected natural disaster causes an epidemic to sweep through Jol Bon, Ju Mong prays to the heavens for days on end, kneeling in the rain with his face set in stern desperation. Suddenly, he falls unconscious and O Yi, Ma Ri, and Hyeop Bo run to his side, crying in consternation. Dae Soh, who has been seething since his crushing defeat at Ju Mong’s hands, asks Geum Wa to grant him troops for an attack on Jol Bon. But Geum Wa turns him down at once. Calling Ma Wu Ryeong into his office, Dae Soh draws a sword and aims it at Ma Wu Ryeong’s throat. The Queen, who happened to be entering the room at that moment, takes alarm and restrains her son... Geum Wa resolves to put pressure on Jol Bon by initiating local warfare using allied forces. He sends Dae Soh and Young Po to attack the villages of Jol Bon, while dispatching Bu Deuk Bul on an errand to persuade Ju Mong to surrender.

Eps. 67
Once the allied forces of Bu Yeo and Han, which had cut off Jol Bon’s borders, withdraw, peace returns to Jol Bon. Ju Mong conveys to So Seo No his wish to aid the people of Bu Yeo, who are dying as a result of the continuing onslaught of catastrophes. After brief deliberation, she decides to go to Bu Yeo herself. Geum Wa and Dae Soh are taken aback when So Seo No comes to them as an envoy of Jol Bon even before the war has ended. So Seo No communicates Ju Mong’s desire to provide grain and medicine to the starving people of Bu Yeo, and Geum Wa, after he gets over his initial confusion at the offer, replies that he will seriously consider it. Meanwhile, Sa Yong meets Song Ju and hands him a bundle to give to Yu Hwa. Song Ju, though uneasy, consents in consideration of his past relationship with Ju Mong. He visits Yu Hwa in her chambers and delivers the bundle...
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:55 pm

Eps. 68
Ju Mong is traumatized by the news that Yu Hwa and Ye So Ya lost their lives while attempting to escape from Bu Yeo. He sheds endless tears over the memory of his mother and his wife, while So Seo No looks on in distress from afar. Geum Wa announces that he will lay Yu Hwa’s body to rest on the Ancestral Mountain, traditionally reserved only for the remains of Bu Yeo’s kings and queens. His decision enrages the Queen and causes her to suffer a fainting fit. Young Po, also angered by Geum Wa’s decision, barges into the latter’s chambers to voice his complaint, but is unable to utter a word when he sees his father ravaged by grief and on the verge of madness. Meanwhile, Ju Mong risks considerable danger by heading to the Ancestral Mountain, his mother’s final resting place...

Eps. 69
Ju Mong declares a campaign to drive out the forces of Hyeon To. The Damul troops engage in intensive combat training, while Ju Mong makes meticulous preparations for war by contacting the heads of the Malgal and Huns tribes to prevent the joining of Liaodong forces. Meanwhile, Dae Soh learns through a spy that Jol Bon is preparing to wage war on Hyeon To. He convenes the ministers and officials in an emergency meeting, as the alarmed Seol Ran sends an urgent message to Hyeon To...

Eps. 70
Ju Mong is tormented by the words of Young Po, who wishes to make a deal with Ye So Ya and Yu Ri as hostages. Ju Mong calls So Seo No, Ma Ri, and others to discuss their choices. In the end, they decide to accept Young Po’s offer, but to ascertain Ye So Ya and Yu Ri’s safety first. Ma Ri embarks on his mission to find out whether Ye So Ya and Yu Ri are indeed alive. Ma Jin orders the soldiers guarding the storehouse to bring Ye So Ya and Yu Ri, but they gingerly report that the two have escaped... Meanwhile, Dae Soh declares to his ministers, despite their objections, that he will deploy a force of 500 to Hyeon To and that he will lead the force himself. Bu Deuk Bul instructs General Heuk Chi to pick only the most elite soldiers for the campaign, stressing that ensuring Dae Soh’s safety is important above all things.

Eps. 71
As Ju Mong’s strike force and the refugees pour into Hyeon To palace, Han’s forces fall helplessly. Lord Hwang, sensing the direness of the situation, attempts to flee but is surrounded by Damul soldiers led by O Yi and Mu Gol. Even Seol Ran and company are captured by the Damul forces. Aghast at the news that Ju Mong has taken Hyeon To palace and that Seol Ran’s survival is uncertain, Dae Soh and Yang Jeong struggle to come up with a countermeasure. Bu Deuk Bul comes to Geum Wa, informing him of Hyeon To’s defeat by Jol Bon and proposing an infusion of reinforcements. However, Geum Wa remarks that Ju Mong’s rout of Hyeon To has been decreed by fate, and suggests that they search instead for ways to ensure Bu Yeo’s survival...

Eps. 72
When Ju Mong declares victory, the people explode into joyful cheers and So Seo No throws a victory celebration. Dae Soh and Na Ro, who have barely escaped with their lives, informs the Queen and the ministers of Bu Yeo, to their utter dismay, that Ju Mong has killed Yang Jeong and taken over Hyeon To palace. Gye Pil and Chae Ryeong meet in secret and bond over their mutual agreement that the master of Goguryeo must not be Ju Mong and his Damul forces but Gye Ru. They decide to gather the heads of the various tribes to discuss the matter. Sa Yong and Chan Su, in turn, go to So Seo No and inquire just who should reign as king in Goguryeo... Meanwhile, Seol Ran, catching on that Geum Wa’s health is declining, calls in a doctor and devises a plan to poison the ailing king...

Eps. 73
Ju Mong, who has laid the foundations for a new nation by driving out Hyeon To’s forces, announces that he will establish new laws of governance and jurisprudence and declare the birth of Goguryeo to the world. Sa Yong, who wishes So Seo No to be crowned, attempts to persuade Yeon Ta Bal to his view by claiming that the heads of the various tribes are also of the same mind. Alert to the danger, O Yi and company watch their suspicious movements with a keen eye. Bu Deuk Bul discovers that Geum Wa’s medicine contains poison. He informs Dae Soh of the fact and enjoins him to take a stern measure. Summoning Seol Ran, Dae Soh executes the conspiring doctor before her very eyes and warns her that he will not forgive her a second time.

Eps. 74
On the outskirts of North Ok Jeo, Ye So Ya and Yu Ri scrape by on what Ye So Ya earns at a market tavern and the money Yu Ri obtains by taking part in risky black market activities with a merchant band. Ye So Ya is distressed by the shady activities her son engages in for money. After founding Goguryeo, Ju Mong personally leads campaigns on the surrounding territories to expand his power base. General O Yi, who marched out on a war against Haeng In in Ju Mong’s stead, returns home victorious and a celebration ensues...
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Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ara. 28, 2022 11:55 pm

Eps. 75
When Jang, who attacked the merchant band led by Goguryeo’s Prince Bi Ryu, is captured, Yu Ri senses impending danger and takes his mother out of Jang Ryeong. O Yi and his troops come to Jang Ryeong to find the recreants who attacked the merchant band, but Yu Ri and Ye So Ya have already fled... Meanwhile, the leader of the Liaodong forces, Hwang Ja Gyeong, visits Bu Yeo. He proposes that Bu Yeo join forces with Han in attacking North Ok Jeo, but Dae Soh and Bu Deuk Bul flatly refuse, stating that Goguryeo has not once impinged on Bu Yeo’s borders since its founding.

Eps. 76
The delegation from Goguryeo, arriving in Bu Yeo to attend the coronation, is taken aback by Na Ro’s demand that they disarm themselves. Despite the objections of his entourage, Ju Mong complies. Paying his respects to Geum Wa, Ju Mong proposes an alliance with Bu Yeo and asks him to persuade Dae Soh. But Geum Wa replies that he will not intervene in Dae Soh’s decisions. Meanwhile, a fighting contest in commemoration of the coronation takes place in Bu Yeo and both Bi Ryu and Yu Ri register to compete...

Eps. 77
Yu Ri rescues the injured Bi Ryu. Geum Wa leaves Bu Yeo Palace, turning his back on the recriminations of Dae Soh and the Queen. Ju Mong returns to Bu Yeo Palace and takes Dae Soh to task regarding the assassin. When armed Goguryeo troops deploy at the border, Bu Yeo blames everything on Han’s machinations. After forging an alliance with Bu Yeo, Ju Mong decides to launch a campaign against Liaodong. When Yu Ri returns after finding the token left by his father, Ye So Ya tells him the secret of his lineage. Geum Wa arrives at Cheon Mu Mountain, and his eyes fill with tears at the thought of Hae Mo Soo and Yu Hwa. In bewilderment, Yu Ri heads to Goguryeo to discover the answer. In front of Goguryeo Palace, Yu Ri hands the token to Mo Pal Mo, asking him to show the object to King Ju Mong. Ju Mong bursts into tearful joy at having his son restored to him, but Yu Ri remains reproachful of his father.

Eps. 78
As Yu Ri pours out his pent-up anger for the past years, Ju Mong looks at his son with tears streaming down his face, powerless to utter a single word. Unable to watch any longer, Hyeop Bo explains the inevitable circumstances at the time, and Yu Ri also ends up shedding a torrent of tears. Hearing that Ye So Ya remains in Bu Yeo, Ju Mong takes his two top generals and hastens to Bu Yeo. Discovering the reason for Ju Mong’s absence from Goguryeo, So Seo No is deeply troubled, sensing the unrest that will soon plague the kingdom...

Eps. 79
When the ironsmith’s quarters, where Yu Ri is staying, goes up in flames, Moo Song and the soldiers try to douse it with water, but the conflagration rages on. Ju Mong and his retinue arrive belatedly on the scene. O Yi tries to enter the burning building to save Yu Ri, but Ju Mong restrains him, saying it is already too late. Ju Mong discovers that the culprit for the arson is an assassin sent by Han. He holds the head of the Royal Guard, Chan Soo, accountable for the incident and imprisons him after stripping him of his title. Chan Soo’s mother Chae Ryeong goes to So Seo No and asks her for help, but is met by the latter’s firm refusal...

Eps. 80
With Chan Soo in prison, Chae Ryeong plots treason with Yang Tak while Ju Mong and his generals are out patrolling. Learning of the scheme, So Seo No, accompanied by Yeon Ta Bal and Sa Yong, suppresses Chae Ryeong’s mercenaries and banishes her and Yang Tak from Goguryeo. Pained at discovering that Bi Ryu was involved in the treasonous plot, So Seo No sends him and On Jo away at the helm of a merchant band headed to the south, telling them to see the wide world. Meanwhile, Geum Wa falls under the sword of Han’s spies. His dying words are for Ju Mong to join hands with Dae Soh in driving out the forces of Han...

Eps. 81
The allied forces of Goguryeo and Bu Yeo prepare to march against Han. Ju Mong takes Mo Hyun Castle. Mu Gol runs after the Liadong leader, who tries to escape in the midst of confusion. Ju Mong kills the Liadong leader and gets revenge for Mu Gol. Ju Mong is overjoyed to win the war but his injuries show no sign of healing as time passes. So Seo No resolves to leave Goguryeo with Bi Ryu and On Jo and Ju Mong persuades Mo Pal Mo to go with her. Ju Mong gazes at So Seo No leaving, with sorrow in his eyes…
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Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimePerş. Ara. 29, 2022 12:11 am

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong
Karma Resimler:

Additional Cast Members:

Lee Won-Jae - Do-Chi
Kwon Yong-Woon - Moo-Song
Oh Ji-Young - court lady
Lee Seung-Ah - Chun-Rang
Han Hee-Jin - In-Rang
Kim Nan-Hwi - Ji-Rang
Min Ji-Young - gisaeng
Kim Ho-Young - Ma-Ga
Kim Won-Suk - Song-Joo
Son Ho-Kyoon - Juk-Chi
No Hee-Ji - So-Ryeong
Jeong Han-Heon - Kye-Pil
Jang Hyo-Jin - Baek Sun-In
Hwang Bum-Sik - Jin-Yong
Park Jong-Kwan - Song-Yang
Song Ok-Suk - Bi Geum-Sun
Bae Do-Hwan - Tae Ma-Jin
Baek Na-Young - Yeon Chae-Ryeong
Kim Jin-Ho - Yang-Tak
Ha Yong-Jin - Dong-Sun
Park Kyeong-Hwan - Boo Boon-No
Lee Jae-Suk - prince Bi-Ryoo
Yoon Seo-Hyun - Han-Dang
Ahn Yong-Joon - Prince Yu-Ri
Jung Yoon-Suk - Yu-Ri (young)
Lee Hwan - Sang-Chun
Han Kyung-Sun - court lady
Yoo Hee-Jung - court lady
Kim Suk - On-Jo
Song Gui-Hun - Bul-Gae
Kwon Eun-Ah - Ma Woo-Ryeong
Kang Moon-Hee - Hyun-Moo
Dan So-Young - Yoo-Sung
Jeon Ha-Eun - Byeo Ri-Ha
Lee Sung - Hae Byeol-Chan
Hong Soon-Chang - Jin Joong-Moon
Lee Chang-Hwan - head of tribe
Park Geun-Hyung - Hae Boo-Roo
Shin Joon-Young - Bae Mang
Han In-Su - head of tribe
Kim Yong-Hee - Sul-Tak
Oh Seung-Yun - Chun-Doong
Son Seon-Geun - Man-Ho
Lee Won-Yong - fortune-teller
Moon Hee-Won - ex governor-general
Yun Yong-Hyeon - Boo Wi-Yeom
Jang Hee-Woong - Ha Hoo-Chun
Samuel Kang - warrior
Park Ji-Hoon
Seo Ho-Chul
Park Sung-Kyun
Park Mi-Sook
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimePerş. Ara. 29, 2022 12:12 am

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong PjcaalrPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Hgi74wuPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Exw8vwdPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Bizm3w0
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimePerş. Ara. 29, 2022 12:37 am

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong 4d0hyv0Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong R4wy80vPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong 6ngww75Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong 1eb7snjPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong O9eqlckPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Fezfnd8Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Ckdsdfv
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

Mesaj Sayısı : 900
Kayıt tarihi : 04/12/09

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Empty
MesajKonu: Geri: Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong   Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Icon_minitimePerş. Ara. 29, 2022 1:07 am

Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong CkdsdfvPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong Q3zs5lePrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong 1od4gh8Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong FttojrsPrince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong D7johek
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Prince of the Legend | Jumong (MBC / 2006-2007) - Ju Mong
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